An analysis of the clinical and neurological fi ndings showed that the main diff erence between refl ex spondylogenic syndromes and compression syndromes was the presence of prolapse symptoms in the form of signifi cant prevalence of the loss of tendon and periosteal refl exes as well as sensory and motor disorders of the segmental type. Moreover, autonomic-trophic disturbances with lateralization toward the pain syndrome in the form of sympathetic and angiospastic disturbances were defi nitely more frequent (p < 0.05) in refl ex spondylogenic pain syndromes, while in compressive ones, neurodystrophic disturbances prevailed. Lumbar spine pathology was signifi cantly more common in men. The leading risk factors were weight lifting and uncoordinated movement (36% and 11.5%, respectively). Clinical manifestations of compression radicular syndromes were defi nitely more frequent (p < 0.05) in the lumbar spine. At the same time, compression syndromes featured greater severity of clinical manifestations in the form of the predominance of pain, muscle-tonic and statodynamic, autonomic and trophic disorders. The level of radicular compression syndrome corresponds to the level of the pathomorphological substrate. The presence of the pathomorphological substrate may remain clinically insignifi cant for a long time and manifest itself only under certain conditions (venous stasis, edema, aseptic infl ammation).
refl ex spondylogenic syndromes, compression spondylogenic syndromes, lumbar osteochondrosis
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