Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Traditional X-ray methods identify general signs of a dystrophic process in 82.2% of cases but they do not provide suffi cient information about the nature of a pathological process, lesion prevalence and localization, a level and a degree of compression of neurological and vascular elements of the vertebral canal. Specifi city of X-ray imaging in the identifi cation of a dystrophic process nature is just 47.8%. X-ray imaging and T1-,T2-weighted MRI are enough for examining patients with discogenic changes of the vertebral segments; their combined results are highly effective (99.4%). Spiral CT and MRI are complementary methods for the examination of patients with dystrophic diseases of the lumbar spine; when used together their eff ectiveness reaches 95.4%. The comparative assessment of sensitivity, specifi city and accuracy of modern methods of X-ray diagnostics, development of an algorithm of the examination of patients with dystrophic diseases of the lumbar spine were performed on the basis of the study results.

vertebro-neurological syndrome, magnetic resonance imaging, spiral computer tomography, lumbar spine
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