Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The eff ectiveness of applying osteopathic methods to patients with amniorrhea in case of full-term pregnancy was evaluated. 40 pregnant women with singleton full-term pregnancy without severe somatic and obstetric pathologies, with preterm amniorrheaunder the absence of regular labor activity were included into the study. The main group (n = 20) included women who underwent treatmentwith osteopathic methods. In the control group (n = 20) the labor was managed in accordance with the labor management protocol in case of amniorrhea. The osteopathic examination, which was performed in the course of the study, showed that all patients had biomechanical disorders at the pelvis level. The women in labor, who underwent osteopathic correction, started to deliver on their own in a greater percentage of cases as compared with the control group; there was a signifi cant decrease of frequency of labor anomalies and the total number of complications in labor and, as a consequence, a signifi cant decrease of obstetric aids and frequency of the emergency deliveryby cesarian section. A decrease in the frequency of episiotomy was noted. A decrease in the duration of the rupture-to-delivery interval was also noted.

osteopathy, preterm amniorrhea, labor complications, osteopathic correction
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