Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
1684-6753 (print)
Russian science citation index:
Yes 8817
Russian higher attestation Commission:

Rules of submission, review and publication of scientific articles
Articles are sent to the editorial office through the author's personal account or by e-mail to the address mtj.ru@mail.ru .
Manuscripts can also be submitted to the editors as post parcels with an attached floppy disk or a CD with the text of the article (post address: Lubogo street, 2, Obninsk, 249038).
All article manuscripts submitted to the editorial office of the journal shall be pre-qualified with respect to their compliance with the subject-matter of the journal and with the formal criteria for articles.
An article manuscript shall only be accepted on condition that it complies with the requirements to the article format published on the official site of the journal www.mtj.ru.
Article manuscripts that do not meet the formal requirements will be rejected, and their authors will be informed about the decision.
In case it complies with all the requirements, the article manuscript will be sent for review to a reputable expert on the article subject who has published his/her own articles on the subject of the reviewed article within the recent 3 years.
The review period shall be determined by the editorial board of the journal, but it should not exceed one working week from the date of receipt of the article manuscript by a reviewer.
The review shall contain qualified analysis, unbiased and well-reasoned evaluation of the manuscript and a well-grounded conclusion about publication.
The reviewer shall evaluate the article manuscript and prepare a well-grounded conclusion about the article with a clear recommendation on appropriateness of the article publication in a topical series of the journal related to a specific scientific field.
In case of negative evaluation of the article manuscript as a whole, the reviewer should substantiate his/her conclusion with very convincing arguments. The reviewer’s comments and suggestions must be unbiased and principled, aimed at improving the scientific and methodological level of articles.
In case of a reviewer’s negative report the editorial board shall review the article manuscript and decide either to reject it or refer it to another independent expert for additional review.
The editors will notify the author of the comments and suggestions that have been made regarding the article for improving it and for the second round of submission.
Upon receipt of a positive review, the editorial board will inform the author that the article manuscript is accepted for publication with the indication of a publication date.
The final decision on acceptance of an article manuscript for publication is made by the editorial board. Articles are published in priority order in which they were received by the editors. The editorial board may take a decision on priority publication of an article manuscript.
In case if an article manuscript is not accepted for publication, the editorial board reserves the right not to publish the article manuscript or send it back to the author for revision together with a substantiated refusal and the final opinion of a reviewer.
The editorial office shall hold original copies of the reviewers’ evaluation letters, signed and with seals affixed, for 5 years.
The original copies of the article manuscripts accepted for publication shall not be returned. The article manuscripts with negative reviews shall not be published and returned. The editorial office shall not keep the article manuscripts not accepted for publication.

Subscription to the journal Manual Therapy is accepted at post offices at the place of residence.
The magazine is included in the catalog "Newspapers and Magazines" of the agency "Rospechat".
Index of the magazine in the catalogs of Rospechat: 41589 for individual subscribers, enterprises and organizations.

There is no fee for posting a publication in the printed version of the journal Manual Therapy from graduate students.

Kanaev Sergey  — Editor-in-chief
State Medical Institution No. 67 named after L.A. Vorokhobov branch Center of Manual Therapy
candidate of medical sciences
Academic rank
Russian Federation
Rasstrigin Sergey  — Deputy Editor-in-Chief
“Omegamed” LLC
candidate of medical sciences
Russian Federation
Interregional Associations of Public Union of Manual Medicine Doctors
MAOO VMM (RMM) interregional association of public associations of manual medicine doctors
The certificate of registration of the periodical
Эл № ФС77-82189

Rules of submission, review and publication of scientific articles
Articles are sent to the editorial office through the author's personal account or by e-mail to the address mtj.ru@mail.ru .
Manuscripts can also be submitted to the editors as post parcels with an attached floppy disk or a CD with the text of the article (post address: Lubogo street, 2, Obninsk, 249038).
All article manuscripts submitted to the editorial office of the journal shall be pre-qualified with respect to their compliance with the subject-matter of the journal and with the formal criteria for articles.
An article manuscript shall only be accepted on condition that it complies with the requirements to the article format published on the official site of the journal www.mtj.ru.
Article manuscripts that do not meet the formal requirements will be rejected, and their authors will be informed about the decision.
In case it complies with all the requirements, the article manuscript will be sent for review to a reputable expert on the article subject who has published his/her own articles on the subject of the reviewed article within the recent 3 years.
The review period shall be determined by the editorial board of the journal, but it should not exceed one working week from the date of receipt of the article manuscript by a reviewer.
The review shall contain qualified analysis, unbiased and well-reasoned evaluation of the manuscript and a well-grounded conclusion about publication.
The reviewer shall evaluate the article manuscript and prepare a well-grounded conclusion about the article with a clear recommendation on appropriateness of the article publication in a topical series of the journal related to a specific scientific field.
In case of negative evaluation of the article manuscript as a whole, the reviewer should substantiate his/her conclusion with very convincing arguments. The reviewer’s comments and suggestions must be unbiased and principled, aimed at improving the scientific and methodological level of articles.
In case of a reviewer’s negative report the editorial board shall review the article manuscript and decide either to reject it or refer it to another independent expert for additional review.
The editors will notify the author of the comments and suggestions that have been made regarding the article for improving it and for the second round of submission.
Upon receipt of a positive review, the editorial board will inform the author that the article manuscript is accepted for publication with the indication of a publication date.
The final decision on acceptance of an article manuscript for publication is made by the editorial board. Articles are published in priority order in which they were received by the editors. The editorial board may take a decision on priority publication of an article manuscript.
In case if an article manuscript is not accepted for publication, the editorial board reserves the right not to publish the article manuscript or send it back to the author for revision together with a substantiated refusal and the final opinion of a reviewer.
The editorial office shall hold original copies of the reviewers’ evaluation letters, signed and with seals affixed, for 5 years.
The original copies of the article manuscripts accepted for publication shall not be returned. The article manuscripts with negative reviews shall not be published and returned. The editorial office shall not keep the article manuscripts not accepted for publication.

There is no fee for posting a publication in the printed version of the journal Manual Therapy from graduate students.

Subscription to the journal Manual Therapy is accepted at post offices at the place of residence.
The magazine is included in the catalog "Newspapers and Magazines" of the agency "Rospechat".
Index of the magazine in the catalogs of Rospechat: 41589 for individual subscribers, enterprises and organizations.

                        Yakimenko Oleg
Yakimenko Oleg Medical Center “Med&Care", Moscow, Russia

                        Yakovleva Galina Vasil'evna
Yakovleva Galina Vasil'evna Nacional'nyy medicinskiy issledovatel'skiy centr reabilitacii i kurortologii Minzdrava Rossii, Moskva

                        Yasinskaya Anna
Yasinskaya Anna Clinical Hospital of emergency Medical care in Ufa, Russia

Kanaev Sergey  — Editor-in-chief
State Medical Institution No. 67 named after L.A. Vorokhobov branch Center of Manual Therapy
candidate of medical sciences
Academic rank
Russian Federation
Rasstrigin Sergey  — Deputy Editor-in-Chief
“Omegamed” LLC
candidate of medical sciences

Russian Federation


Code 61
Name Медицина. Охрана здоровья


Journal of Manual Therapy is a research and practice peer-reviewed journal covering different practical therapeutic methods and techniques.
It publishes articles on a complex of various therapeutic techniques and methods of diagnostics of diseases mostly in the field of manual therapy, restorative medicine and rehabilitation, neurology, traumatology and orthopedics, scientific articles on different subjects.

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